❝Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world.❞
― Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

the long awaited update...

I've only just recovered, I would say I'm now running at 95%. Still not quite right but okay enough.
Just before I got ill I managed to get down to 122.8 which is officially a LW for me. However, after about a week of serious bingeing and no purging I fear that I may be back to where I started. I feel SO huge and elephantine.

My moods have been swinging up and down a lot recently too. One day i'll want to do everything and become everyone and start a new business and make money and have perfect control; and the next day I'll just want to be at home, in my bed and I can't be anything because I'm not good/pretty/clever/witty enough. Please tell me i'm not the only one? It doesn't help, i suppose, that i've been all over the place with taking my pill (contraceptive). I'm just so forgetful recently. I'm hoping that it won't matter too much. :-S

I dare not weigh myself... I will have to bite the bullet. I have to know how bad it is so that I can fix the situation.

Love as always,

Sirenne x x


  1. i get like this all the time. one minute i am determined and going to e successful. The next im just gonna throw in the towel.


  2. I get in those moods too darling, you're not alone. The other day I was so down I couldn't get out of bed, and I seriously considered dropping out of school and not going to university, just because that way I could stay in bed all day and let my negatives thoughts take over. Then the next minute I decided I should travel the world see and do everything.
    But don't let the bad thoughts get the better of you. Moods swings are horrible, but try not to let them take over your life.
    Take care sweetie.
